The Judge Did What?!? Spotlight on Jan Bromell Holmes
An oddly obstructed email address, a lack of proper notice, and a very questionable apportionment of an inheritance define the Rogers v. Rogers case in Horry County.
In a military mom’s “family” court case on remand from the Court of Appeals (2016-DR-26-323), Judge Bromell Holmes’ secretary sent email notifications to a bogus address (yahoo v. gmail).
Rather inexplicably, Judge Bromell Holmes also instructed against further notifying the parties. These circumstances culminated in self-represented litigant Laurie Rogers, a resident of Florida, not receiving notification of her hearing.
Because Ms. Rogers’ father had passed away around the time of the parties’ separation, she was left a sizable inheritance ($350,000) from the estate. An inheritance is not marital property.
Despite South Carolina statutes which do not allow for the apportionment of non-marital property, Ms. Rogers lost her inheritance on Judge Bromell Holmes’ order. In a hearing that she did not know had occurred. Based on the allegations of her ex-husband.
Does this appear to be an intentional denial of due process coupled with a gross lack of adherence to South Carolina law by a judge who is in the running for a “promotion” to the Court of Appeals?
Please consider what YOU can do to clean up South Carolina’s courts.
Hi. Actually, there was no inheritance (verified through joint tax returns in the case file). There was a $3,500 tax deduction years before the divorce which was a credit from furniture donated to charity after Laurie’s father passed away. Attorney Anita Floyd added a zero to that figure to get the $350,000 then used it in court as a vehicle to continue charging Laurie with contempt and filing Motions to Compel claiming Laurie was withholding funds and information. Bromell Holmes further used the lie to justify stealing Laurie’s disability settlement from the Navy, all 4 college funds (over $200,000), and then finally, left Laurie and her 4 children homeless with no support and a mound of debt.
Great read